As the curtain of the impeachment acquittal closes for the time being, the caucus circus starts with catastrophic results. The last obstacle Democrats need is compounded uncertainty about the caucus results out the gates.
Again we witness an ineptitude beyond reason. The Iowa caucus deployed an application which had not been debugged. One question that comes to mind; is the application developer a Republican sympathizer or Russian operative?
Latest Development: As Iowa Democratic Party officials blamed an app for the delayed release of caucus results, conspiracies started swirling about something more corrupt. “The app that ‘failed’ in Iowa last night was developed by a software company called Shadow,” one such tweet said. “Shadow was paid by Pete Buttigieg campaign last summer. Pete Buttigieg has now claimed victory before any precincts have reported. What’s that about election interference?”
After the days delay in Iowa Buttigieg decided to take the reins with a “I won” narrative. Pete grabbed the narrative and ran. The problem for him is the black voter. This previous mayor of South Bend Indiana has a rocky relationship with the black citizens. Talks of police scandal cover-ups and more have voters taking second and third looks at his record on black interests in his own community.
Buttigieg unveiled new details of his Douglass Plan, a comprehensive program to combat racial injustice in the United States.
Buttigieg traveled to South Carolina to spread awareness of the plan. The supporters were rolled out in a press release and opened a letter published in the HBCU Times — which focuses on “positive news related to Historically Black Colleges and Universities.” Listed at the top of the press release were three prominent supporters, Columbia City Councilwoman Tameika Devine; Rehoboth Baptist pastor and state Rep. Ivory Thigpen; and Johnnie Cordero, chair of the state party’s Black Caucus.
Pete’s track record on the handling of affairs as mayor of South Bend, Indiana is far from lackluster. Some of his off mic comparisons about black people vs gay people is disparaging. Can Buttigieg gain the confidence of the Black voter? There are political strategist advising him he doesn’t need the black vote.
In order for the Douglass plan to work white constituents must buy into the plan also. Will they? Here’s a hint: Obama is campaigning with and for Bloomberg with prime-time ads ran on all major networks.
Again, Buttigieg Buttigieg: Buttigieg ?
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