By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest
This present era which African-American communities now find themselves demand more than a celebration, but a tireless and consistent rededication/commitment of propelling the tenets of Kwanzaa.

Kwanzaa began as a seven-day, non-religious holiday observed in the US, meant to honor African Americans ancestral roots. Traditionally the celebration lasts until January 1, but the Kwanzaa mindset is an actionable set of on-going conscious priorities.
A muscle memory must be developed by African-Americans to bind with each other throughout the total spectrum of the “American Dream” attainment.
James Frasure
America’s biggest fear historically and presently is African-American solidarity.
The name has roots from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza,” which means “first fruits.” InnerKwest will emphasize the 7 tenets of Kwanzaa, Sunday through Saturday all 52 weeks of the year, in perpetuity, starting with Umoja on Sunday.
Also refer to our updated rededication to Kwanzaa 365 HERE!
Starting December 26th through December 2021 we will post a Kwanzaa principle coupled with a call for action. That’s right. We must mandate 365 days a year of Kwanzaa based principles.
The only way the Black community can grow and thrive is through an exclusive, constant commitment to each other.

We encourage and challenge all to add your call for action to this timely, commemorative post.
The time is up for side line coaching. Add your energy for impactful participation that strengthens the ties that bind us.
It’s imperative we understand the ties that bind us and proceed to strengthen our bonds. READ KWANZAA PRINCIPLES HERE.
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