Respect Yourself

Respect Yourself: Elon Musk Could End Up Being a Game Changer for Trump

By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest

Twitter and former President Donald Trump have surfaced together in the news again.

Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk bought more than 9% of Twitter’s stock and secured a board seat at the social media company, fueling speculation about his potential influence on the platform.

Major media have shielded Elon and his father Errol Musk from the obvious truths about how they benefited from South African apartheid. The Musk family has the connections and capacity to erase the digital record giving them plausible deniability when asked about their lest than humanitarian past benefiting from apartheid.

Born in 1971, Musk grew up in Pretoria, South Africa. He’s the son of Maye Musk, a model and dietitian from Canada, and Errol Musk, a South African electromechanical engineer, pilot, and sailor. Maye and Errol divorced in 1980 when Elon was about 9 years old. After the divorce, Elon lived mostly with his father until he left South Africa at age 17 — partly to avoid conscription in the South African army. He attended Queen’s University in Canada.

Reported in 2018 in Business Insider, tells how, in the mid-1980s, Errol acquired a “half-share in a Zambian emerald mine, which would help to fund his family’s lavish lifestyle of yachts, skiing holidays, and expensive computers.”

I will say no more, because it is a no-brainer Elon Musk got his advantage off the backs of Blacks.

“Now that @ElonMusk is Twitter’s largest shareholder, it’s time to lift the political censorship. Oh . . . and BRING BACK TRUMP!” tweeted Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. Twitter spokespeople have said that management and employees make those policy decisions, not the board. The potential for Trump to regain access to Twitter could have a significant impact on the 2024 Republican primaries, assuming the former President is planning to run again. Twitter was integral to Trump’s political success, and if his accounts are restored, he would have immense leverage to secure the Republican presidential nomination and enhance his position in a general election. That’s right, Elon has to be aware of the risks of letting a Trump-Hitler-Botha styled politician back on Twitter. Maybe that kind of person fits in the scheme of things agenda.

Let’s keep in mind that the country in which the Musk family made their wealth did not practice free-speech or any other humanitarian freedoms when it came to Black people. As a matter of fact Botha (S.A. Prime Minister) gave serious thought about doing a limited nuclear hit on District Six in S.A. and this writer and his wife visited District Six.

Again, InnerKwest is a sentinel for the people especially, African Americans. It’s time to take the power away from Twitter and any other social media platforms that has the potential to willfully harm African American interests.

Join WittYou and Khaunda today and empower Black owned social media platforms. Quit being market driven to platforms that profit highly off your content. WittYou and Khaunda developers require your support to grow and become viable platforms. Let’s stop shooting ourselves in the foot with FaceBook and Twitter. They don’t deserve your presence.

What would Harriet Tubman, Malcolm, Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois, MLK, Huey Newton and Bob Marley do? Need I say more?

One last thing to African Americans and those that celebrate the culture, RESPECT YOURSELF and join our platforms today! InnerKwest®

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