Blacklisting of Black Interest and Business by Black People.

By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest

Blacklisting , the cancel culture, and other negative actions exacted on Black entities and interests continue to suppress African American progress collectively.

The phenomena of unconscious Blacklisting of Black business by Blacks rewards non-Black entities an added advantage over Black business. The resulting non-Black business CAC (customer acquisition cost) to get Black customers is low compared to acquiring customers elsewhere.

Although America has elected a Black president and presently have a Black vice-president, the success and influence of Blacks in America remain woeful.

When will African Americans reassert a willingness which uplifts the collective?

Social media continues to exert high impact on the global society and governing bodies. As expected the social media monopoly is owned and controlled by non-Black entities. This must change in order for African Americans to influence their destinies and outcomes.

WittYou Technologies Inc has launched four social media platforms in which African Americans can control and influence outcomes:

Will African Americans participate in the development and growth of Black owned social media platforms as they disproportionally subscribe to Facebook, Twitter, TikToc and others?


#BlackTwitter gleefully produce galas and other events, boasting their influence on Twitter, but having no tangible equity. Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerburg and others benefit from massive content Blacks provide with little to no cost to the platform owners.

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This one-sided advantage must change and that can only happen when Blacks become more self-serving with focusing on the development and uplifting of their own platforms. Power and influence comes through ownership, NOT PATRONAGE.

The time for change is now. The mindset to change is now.

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