Time For Corporate America to Sponsor Bubba Wallace. Now!

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June 24, 2020 AM

It was revealed by Bubba Wallace’s mother that this NASCAR driver does not have enough sponsorship to race the entire season. Whatever the reasons for not sponsoring this highly competitive driver needs review and sponsorship.

Black people spend over $1.7T annually to corporate American brands. Brands that should be on the car of Bubba Wallace and other Blacks entering the NASCAR series. Should they be unwilling to sponsor Bubba and other Black drivers, Blacks should look at denying specific corporations their dollars. After all, it’s all about the money.

NASCAR’s black fan base is growing and are willing to no longer be recognized as just a red-neck sport, propelled by moonshine transporting hill-billies. #CorporateMustSponsorBubbaToday.


The writer is a fan of NASCAR, Formula 1, NHRA, IndyCar Series, Superbike, and other wheeled racing categories. Blacks dollars have been taken for granted for so long, many believe they deserve our patronage with no strings attached. The new normal dictates attached strings or politely re-stated as accountable. Accountability is now the “new normal”. For those that require no accountability of where their money eventually trickles down, that mindset is maniacally moronic. Please note: The previous statement is definitely judgmental.

InnerKwest™ position is #CorporateMustSponsorBubbaToday simple as that. Join us at #BlackOutAmericaMovement on Facebook and also frequently visit https://innerkwest.com/blackout-movement/ for the latest developments on Black Lives Matter and more. James Frasure's InnerKwest®

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