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Texas has always been a Confederate state boastfully claiming in yesteryear and presently their slave mongering heritage.
Recently a controversy developed Sunday afternoon at Friendship-West Baptist Church as a “Back the Blue” group made a rest stop at the church’s parking lot. The ingenious creativity of the Black Live Matter founders have dumbfounded racist and anti-black factions near and far. Its estimated around 1,000 vehicles participated in the drive, police said.
The headline reads: Controversy erupts after ‘Back the Blue Cruise’ makes uninvited stop at Friendship-West Baptist Church
The attempt to quell the fact that Black Lives Matter, every lives matter preface is testament of the entrenched mentality of white supremacy in all levels of American society. This persistence is sorrowful to say the least. They can add what they will, but as with any original creation, dubious distractors magnify credence showcasing original message as on point and undeniably predicated.
So what was the blue lives matter imposition on the Black church Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas suppose to message to Black church goers in Dallas. Did the racist police in Dallas just put the Negroes on notice again?
The last 24 months in Dallas and the surrounding communities have been in the national spotlight for many horrific, questionable actions taken by police.
Further some of the people in the Back the Blue rally were displaying Confederate flags and Trump flags.
Senior pastor of Friendship-West Frederick Haynes III said,
“That ain’t welcome on the campus of Friendship-West. We have a big ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign and our ministry and mission reflects that. You are not going to come to Oak Cliff and intimidate us,” he said in a recorded video posted to the church’s Twitter account.
Haynes went on to call for divestment from the police and called for police departments to invest in their communities.
“‘Blue lives matter,’ or whatever you’re talking about — at this point, if you ain’t saying ‘black lives matter,’ you might as well have a Klan rally,” he said. “Because in the age of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, if you are not as police officers and persons who claim to support policing, if you ain’t declaring black lives matter and then restructuring your departments to invest in communities, then it’s a Klan rally.
“Now is the time to divest from policing and to invest in communities. You want your lives to matter, blue? Then that’s what you do, you invest in our community instead of trying to intimidate our community, because we ain’t the ones to be intimidated.”
The alt-right, Christian-right, and every other anti-black faction given the go-ahead by Trump, have made efforts to intimidate, but have been countered by riots following the inhumane actions taken against George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other unarmed African Americans.
From the tenor of the present insistence to put and keeps Blacks in their place, the counter cry of “No Justice No Peace” will continue to ring loud and long going into 2021. Black Lives Matter.
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