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July 23, 2020 PM
Missouri Governor Parson says school kids that catch COVID 19 will “just get over”. Parson and wife Teresa live in Bolivar. Together they have two grown children and six grandchildren. He was raised on a farm in Hickory County and graduated from Wheatland High School in Wheatland, Missouri. His response to the school pandemic issues are definitely small town confederate mentality.
I wonder if his grandchildren will go to school under the same mandate he has issued to the school systems of Missouri. What mentality of human being willfully exposes children to a pandemic contagion? With Missouri still fighting the civil war I understand to some degree his aged ideology.
School Kids Catching COVID Will Just Get Over It
With all types of age related ailments that may challenge his future stature, he seems to be lock and step with his party leader, the ailing Donald J Trump. Whatever this constant campaigning and golfing president’s directive tweets, with a keyboard stroke, is what his political pawns enact with a quickness.
There was a time when the office of the executive branch was hardly ever referred to as a regime, but this present White House occupant definitely has a third world dictator regime semblance.
Parson, Kemp, Trump, and many of other elected officials are still fighting the civil war that was lost over a century ago, including good ole swamp clearing Mike Parson.
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