Trump Moon-walking On European Travel Ban, COVID19, Plus

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Moon Walk

To the chagrin of many world leaders and U.S. senators, Trump appears going forward while steadily going backwards. His political moon-walk takes on an appearance of going forward, but in reality he is tip-toeing backwards to appease the big bankers with economic concessions.

Case and point: Trump huddles with bankers on COVID19 economic relief.

Officials from JPMorgan, Bank of America and other institutions will gather Wednesday at the White House to discuss help for businesses.

Trump huddled with several of the CEOs of the biggest American commercial and investment banks Wednesday, including Michael Corbat of Citigroup, Bryan Moynihan of Bank of America, Charles Scharf of Wells Fargo and David Solomon of Goldman Sachs. Trump the business man is going to follow money, no matter what the incursions of the COVID19.

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As world leaders were shocked and appalled over the European travel ban without prior notice. Health experts want Trump to understand we are under a health crisis firstly not an economic crisis.

Trump Administration Refuses To Postpone Food Benefit Cut
Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.) called the impending food benefit cut “particularly cruel” in light of the coronavirus outbreak that will likely cause large numbers of Americans to lose their jobs or deliberately avoid work to limit the contagion.


The chairman of the House Democratic caucus blasted President Trump Tuesday for retreating to his Mar-a-Lago golf club with his “billionaire boys club” during the coronavirus crisis and then blaming Democrats for not doing enough.

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“Donald Trump was at a Florida golf resort hanging out with the billionaire boys club in the midst of a global epidemic,” Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Tuesday when asked about Trump’s criticism. “So we’re not going to be lectured by Donald Trump about leadership when he’s failed to show a scintilla of it in the midst of this whole crisis.”

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.

Our president Donald Trump seems to be uninformed and preoccupied. His presidency in now in the process of defining its legacy. When the going gets tough, this president get going to the golf course. Hopefully he will become more centered before the current events plummet further and other factors cascade out of containment.

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