The postal service charades game again makes Democrats appear toothless. Trump appoints sidekick and financier Louis DeJoy to do his dirty work by dismantling the Post Office ability to do its job and all the Democrats can do is to interrogate DeJoy for him to tell them what he is going to do and not going to do. Again, the Democrats seem powerless.
Truthfully, without the Senate majority Democrats have a lot of bark and little bite.
When Obama was first elected, the Democrats had both houses, but some Democrats are DINOs (Democrats In Name Only). Trump has promised the GOP if he wins they will have four more years of free-fall windfall at the expense of the American people.
Trump and the GOP are now in the mode of systematically disassembling what will be formerly known as the Democratic Republic of the United States of America. The GOP is steam rolling ahead despite what is right or moral.
If Trump does not stronghold the presidency November 4th, I will be pleasantly surprised. They will stop at nothing and the Democrats have shown no substantial apparatus to effectively counter the intrusive criminal element now at the helm of American governance.
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