By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest
February 2020
When I was a young lad the group of fellows I hung around with were mischievous. Sometimes more than other times. That is par for course of boys growing up. Also more times than not, there was someone in the group that attempted the role as the alpha personality.
Mitt said he had to quickly distinguish myself as an individual aside from the group because this guy would have me in trouble and my family would hold me accountable for my actions and deeds, not this wannabe leader.
Mitt Romney wrote history by separating himself from the GOP regime party of Trump. The Republican Senate officially has embraced the destruction of the American Democratic Republic. Donald Jr call for Romney’s expulsion from the GOP. That action alone showcases how devious the party has ebbed.
To view Romney’s speech is heartfelt and gut wrenching. He knows his constituents are aware they are on the wrong side of history, but have taken the favor of Trump over the principles and oaths that has shaped our country for decades.
The Senate no longer has the appearance of protective, well meaning legislators. By the brazen actions of the Republicans, the 2020 election is going to be stolen by any means necessary without fear of repercussions.
The impeachment acquittal has signaled to the GOP everything is open game for decades to come. There is no cookie jar, just do and take what you can. Accountability is only for the 99%, not the 1%.
Mitt Romney’s father was George Wilcken Romney. George entered politics by participating in a state constitutional convention to rewrite the Michigan Constitution during 1961–1962, Romney was elected Governor of Michigan in 1962. Re-elected by increasingly large margins in 1964 and 1966, he worked to overhaul the state’s financial and revenue structure, greatly expanding the size of state government and introducing Michigan’s first state income tax. Romney was a strong supporter of the American Civil Rights Movement. He briefly represented moderate Republicans against conservative Republican Barry Goldwater during the 1964 U.S. presidential election. He requested the intervention of federal troops during the 1967 Detroit riot.
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