
Trump Election Denial Open’s Door to Dictatorship

Presently the United States of America should be in transition mode to install in the executive branch a new president, but the current administration has different opinions on what happens next.

There is a heightened awareness Trump is staging events which could open a door to the dismantling of Democracy, placing America at a threshold to dictatorship.

Untraditional and unthinkable events put in motion by Trump and his loyal political constituents, are starting to send rumors of possible attempts at changing the United States form of government.

For African Americans confident in American democracy, from what soil is your confidence rooted? Trump and crew have been successful in many attempts to rollback progress of African Americans all the while smiling in their face.

It is obvious Trump will try to topple the present state of government affairs before he exits the Whitehouse, if he leaves.

Never in modern times has America been challenged with a hostile takeover from a post election, defeated president.

The Threat of Violence

Mary McCord, the Justice Department’s former top national security official, said that with increased law enforcement attention, there have been fewer private, heavily armed vigilante groups on the streets after the election than there were in response to coronavirus-related restrictions and in response to racial justice protests. But conspiracy theories about stolen elections could certainly pose a real threat to the United States in the coming days.

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Biden Stand-Off With GSA Continues

The GSA’s resistance in the 48 hours since media outlets called the race for Biden has angered Democrats and frustrated the Biden team, which publicly upped the pressure on the agency on Sunday. The transition did not respond to requests for comment on Monday. Three House Democrats including Rep. GERRY CONNOLLY, a senior member of the House Oversight Committee, requested a briefing from GSA Administrator EMILY MURPHY and wrote Monday that her “actions delaying ‘the orderly transfer of the executive power’ fly in the face of congressional intent and ignore the will of the American people while endangering public health and national security.”

Covering Quality of Life Issues Affecting
African-Americans and the Culture

With the lingering uncertainty of a powder keg transition, African Americans must take notice. Common ground among Blacks is mandatory in the pursuit for justice, social, and economic parity. We cannot allow an election psychosis to be projected into Black consciousness.

No matter the outcome of any election yesterday or tomorrow, once African Americans unite, the shear power emanating from such a mind-zone can demand and achieve whatever it wills.

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