Trump’s Republican Party Focuses on Dismantlement of Democracy While Casting a Parable of Good vs Evil

By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest

March 2021

The world has witnessed a Trump takeover of the Republican party signaling to seditionists the time is ripe to challenge the Republic’s Democracy pylons.

White Nationalism runs deeper than many Americans consciously acknowledge. America has entered a place and time where good versus evil has replaced bipartisan governing. Once again Trumpism is on center stage to whomever will listen and subvert election results by any means necessary.

Instead of politicians serving the people, the GOP has unapologetically taken a broad manipulative politic of serving themselves. To compound the dysfunction, the purported white faith communities have joined in unison with scriptural manipulations which propagandize self-righteous narratives, targeting minds misguided by unbiblical white supremacist ideology.


The mainstream media along with Christian media networks work in tandem propelling negative stereotypes and divisive rhetoric.

As Trump summoned law enforcement to clear the street so he can grand stand in front of a Church with a Bible for a photo-op, InnerKwest will call out evil as being evil. The ex-president continues to hold the GOP hostage with declarations of retribution for those not clamoring to his egotistical tantrums.

QAnon has made its way into the legislative branch. It is apparent many lawmakers subscribe to the Trump narrative which is not about unification, but division and hyper-partisanship. The GOP political undercurrent is rapidly surfacing with a reckless and dangerous messages of seditious unification to one state rule on the state and federal levels.

The latest barrage of misinformation and propaganda showcased at the 2021 CPAC defines the level of murky waters the GOP is willing to wade.


African Americans must heed the warnings early on and stay engaged in the political process for the long term. Every divisive, distracting element and action is being called up for implementation to suppress the Black vote.

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Call to Action

African Americans must find the tides that bind and be bound as a people. Solid Black unification is the remedy that can produce a forcefield which protects, nurtures, and reinforces a Black power dynamic.

America historically has attempted to roadblock self-determination and self-empowerment, because of its dependency on Black capital and the Black brain trust which white America still considers as chattel assets.

The movement of African American capital re-direction to Black owned business/enterprises unnerves and threatens anti-Black/non-Black greed, wealth accumulation, and stability. African Americans must rally to unify and apex in this inflection point to self-empowerment. The time is now!InnerKwest®

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