Trump Endorses Deliberate Racism Expanding Ban On Racial Sensitivity Training To Federal Contractors

If anyone ever had to guess whether Trump is a deep seeded racist, we now have that confirmation. He displayed this trait long before becoming president, but make no mistake, he now is symbolically flipping his third finger at Black people among others .

If this administration does not give Black people reason to come together as a community, nothing will. This display of biased power brokerage amplifies the notion Black people cannot be racist, because Blacks have no authority or power to impact another person or community. Racism on the other hand is institutional prejudice and biased actions.

Trump’s administration had instructed federal agencies to end such training earlier this month.

Trump said on Twitter on Tuesday that he had expanded the ban on “efforts to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies” to contractors doing business with the federal government and those receiving grant funds.

“Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t there’s nothing in it for you!” he tweeted.

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Earlier this month, Trump announced efforts to promote “patriotic education” and railed against students learning about systemic racism.

He signed an executive order that requires contracts to now include a provision that says contractors with the federal government will not have “workplace training that inculcates in its employees any form of race or sex stereotyping or any form of race or sex scapegoating” or face the cancellation of contracts.

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The order further stipulates: “Instructors and materials teaching that men and members of certain races, as well as our most venerable institutions, are inherently sexist and racist are appearing in workplace diversity trainings across the country, even in components of the Federal Government and among Federal contractors,” the order says.

The training cited include references to white privilege and systemic racism plain and simple. Read the complete order here.

This administration and future administrations will reveal hidden ideologies which demand African-Americans to bind together to create a solid block of unity or else. Trump only let the dogs out that have been waiting for their iconic savior to release them. The Republican party, coupled with the GOP ideologues have proven to be no friend of the African-American collective. Tom Scott can grin and skin all he wants, but he represents constituents that hold views contrary to Black reality and upward mobility.

This goes back to a recently published post on InnerKwest™ titled: Ownership is Key. Once again we must reiterate, Blacks must become business owners and acquire property in greater numbers. It’s just that simple.InnerKwest®

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