There is a new political party which is founded by Diddy named “Our Black Party”.
Of course the initial reactions is Diddy has no credibility to launch such an endeavor, but the reality is there must be an effort to solidify Black people.
If Not Now, When?
The two parties now at the control of American politics have yielded little relative progress for Blacks in the past.
While we may not necessarily embrace the messenger, the message has to be given a chance. If not now, then when is a good time to get started on unifying Blacks. Only Blacks need and desire Black unity. For others Black unification means a halt to supporting factors and factions that have been oppressors to Black lives.
The Democrats and Republicans will trash the idea Blacks are willing to serve their own best interest without the continuation of being utilitarian for their agendas. Change is hard for those unwilling to contemplate a paradigm mindset shift away from relying on others to do what can be done for one’s self.

It will be an uphill battle, but what have Blacks ever attained or achieved without it being an uphill battle?
There have been promises and guarantees to Blacks in the past that have never been transacted. 40 acres and a mule is one of the first promises that come to mind. That particular track of land now is one of most expensive in the country.
Someone has to think outside the box with action and Diddy has taken the initial launch. Our Black Party About Page
If you are a naysayer, you have the right to be a hater. Progressive Blacks have the right to go forward to change what has not served the Black collective. The American promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has yet to be realized for Blacks. African Americans must realize the same Bill of Rights assured that whites expect and enjoy.
Any positive efforts by Black people will be endorsed by InnerKwest. Black people give others their support. Now is the time to give ourselves support on vital initiatives. For more information visit here
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