Delta Sigma Theta, Descended on Capitol Hill

Delta Sigma Theta, descended on Capitol Hill and I know certain legislators were either unavailable or in hiding. Staff aides were busy deflecting, and implementing a host of other defensive tactics. Over one-thousand highly motivated, strong-willed, and above average in aptitude African-American women showed up with agendas.

Delta Sigma Theta, descended on Capitol Hill

They showed up at McConnell’s office along with Lindsey Graham and a host of other confederate leaning politicians.

The Black woman has always and continues to be a mighty force. The Black woman’s spiritual strength alone projects a force field some people would be better yielding to. My mother, sister, and wife are very assertive when it comes to matters that count.


The federal legislative proposals sorority sisters championing include: supporting voting rights, strengthening gun background checks, requiring colleges to report hazing incidents, decriminalizing marijuana, reforming the criminal justice system, and banning discrimination against hair texture or styles associated with a particular race or national origin.

The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc is a Greek-lettered sorority of college-educated women dedicated to public service with an emphasis on programs that target the African American community. Delta Sigma Theta was founded on January 13, 1913, by twenty-two women at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

Covering Quality of Life Issues Affecting
African-Americans and the Culture

Black women have been the backbone of America from its inception and America knows that as fact. Whatever this caliper woman puts her mind to she accomplishes. African-American women are the most educated females as a group outpacing any other category. The Delta Sigma Sorority is an example of black women focused on a mission. They also continue to be an example of sisterhood unity.


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