May 20, 2020 PM
Dog whistles and purported gas lighting strategies sometimes fly pass me, but the dog whistle to assault and sometimes kill black people including grandmothers escaped me.
St. Louis is notorious on killing and assaulting black people by white people. St.Louis and East. St. Louis has always made attempts of maintaining a master/slave mindset during the civil war and presently. Since the Ferguson riots through present day, these occurrences seem routinely accepted in St. Louis and surrounding suburbs with the silent approval of U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (R-Mo) and Donald Trump.
Missouri Officers Assault Elderly Black Woman
Marvia Gray, 68, and her son, Derek, are accusing the city of Des Peres and four officers of assault, battery, false imprisonment and more.
The incident began on March 23 when Marvia Gray and Derek Gray, 43, went to Sam’s Club and purchased a 65-inch, flat-screen TV. The TV did not fit into the SUV that they were driving, so they took it back to the store and asked for it to be held until Derek Gray could return to get it.
However, when Derek Gray returned to pick up the purchase, things started to go awry, according to the lawsuit. A store employee apparently didn’t believe that Derek Gray had already purchased the item and made the 43-year-old come into customer service to show his receipt. However, another employee confirmed that the television had been purchased and Derek Gray put the television into his vehicle and returned home.
When Marvia Gray learned that employees had accused Derek of stealing the TV, she became angry and both she and her son went back to return the item.
That’s when things really got out of hand, according to the lawsuit.
Since when is it necessary for multiple officers to confront and ascertain a customer complaint. Roy Blunt attempts to be a behind-the-curtain advocate for Trump, but this Missouri senator is a confederate racist also, until proven otherwise. A senator is also responsible for the environment of the district from which he/she represents. The sustained dog whistle in St.Louis is loud and clear. Since the Ferguson riots, there have been mysterious black church fires, black activist assassinated, and more.
Every time I see the visit St. Louis advertisement on television, with a black actor, I can’t wonder why a black tourist would want to risk their well being visiting to a confederate river town. Maybe someone can help me. I know one of the few black billionaires Dave Steward is from a St. Louis suburb, but so what. Obviously, that has no impact on the balance of justice given blacks in and around St. Louis.
Again, dog whistles fly pass me, but others got the message loud and clear, all over the country.
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