By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest
How do you regard your time? Is your time and health treated as your greatest assets? I pose this question not to get an answer from you, but possibly for you to pause and answer the question with sober honesty in the private mansion occupied by your mind and spirit residence.
What is your definition of a “Good Time”? I awoke to headlines of 13 shot in Chicago at a party. These occurrences happen far too many times in African-American communities. I understand the issues associated with Black people are complex. Some would like to argue to the contrary, but how and where African-Americans find themselves collectively has been centuries in the making. I will publish an opinion essay in 2020 on how, when, where, and who we are in the upcoming narrative; “I America”.
Is too much time spent looking for love in all the wrong places? Has ample time been spent on personal fulfillment and identifying purpose? Is your entertainment quotient a cover-up attempt to offset disappointments and life challenges? Is sports mania, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, sexual prowess, and other feel good verbs tallying up a receipt worthy of your time spent and health risk? Again, I have my own answers and receipts I am reviewing. I don’t need your receipts, just mine.
“Consciously give Black business a cash flow”
Do you treat people the way you want to be treated mentally, spiritually, physically, and economically? Oh yeah I said economically. I’m an entrepreneur. I have been signing my own checks for over three decades and fully understand the need for cash flow. It truly amazes how Black business has to be in a category all its own. I get questionable products and service from non-black businesses everyday and these are businesses large and small. Many of these businesses are decades and centuries old. Please explain the repeat business they seem to expect and are rewarded. We need to consciously give Black business a cash flow. Until we prioritize our money to Black business first, we will always be reliant on others to supply jobs and other throttled economic engines.
I could go on and on with some really amazing tales of non-black businesses that started in the Black neighborhood selling drugs along with their advertised wares that now have multiple locations in numerous cities and states. Don’t get me wrong there are some businesses that need to go out of business, but desist categorizing Black business with economic lynching diatribes. Consciously allow Black business a cash flow to attract talent and stimulate growth from within. Crucial intra-cash circulation in the community will create/sustain upward momentum across its total spectrum, including the Church. That’s right, the Church. More on that at a later date.
All of the aforementioned circles back to time spent and the quality of the time rendered. Please remember health is like a battery. No matter how long you sustain a certain quality of life, at some point in time that health battery will degrade. Place your health, time, and quality trustworthy relationships in high regard, because once that particular capital is spent or misspent there is no renewal or reclamation, only memory breadcrumbs will remain.
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