About Innerkwest™
InnerKwest™ is a media platform addressing the African-American community from a global perspective. Our writers and crowd reporters contribute on a gamut of issues and chronicles of African-Americans, both domestic and international. We engage historical passages, present day ideologies, and future endeavors pursuant to progressive African-American agendas.
We challenge our writers to develop an “effort to impact” narrative that energizes our readers to think outside the box.
Recent events have opened the scabbed wound of the American tectonic sin of slavery with the horrific use of “curtains up”, police excessive-force, against unarmed African-Americans. This on-going deluge of deadly, biased treatment has triggered a movement across the total spectrum of American society and European nations. InnerKwest‘s growing network of crowd reporters relay coverage of related events from cities across the globe.
In order for the African American voice be heard in the 21st century, there must be true ownership in the platforms projecting their voices. Previously, the only effective platform was Facebook and Twitter, but times are changing. African Americans can now vote their interest by registering their vote on WittYou and Khaunda. Blacks can now help support and grow social media platforms that reflect them. No more being under the auspices of a non-Black major platforms. Blacks have been the fuel for growth of Facebook and Twitter helping to jettison these platforms into major concerns. Now Blacks can re-direct that capital and commitment to be self-serving first and foremost.
Trending Advocacy:
BlackOut America Movement
Entrepreneurs 4 Equity (E4E)
The New Pathway for Social Media
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We encourage our readers to subscribe to receive our newsletters and remain conscious of the events shaping the “new normal”. Our bevy of crowd reporters are insisting InnerKwest™ be their trending platform from which to upload front-line observances and interactions.
InnerKwest™ is a community sentinel. Although our narratives take on a creative style delivering the issues, we make every effort to speak truth to power. We need and expect viewership participation from the African-American community and those that celebrate the culture. No matter what differences the community may have internally, this is the platform to air those differences. NOT FACEBOOK NOR TWITTER. InnerKwest™ has the African-American community’s interest in full regard and is unabashedly wholly owned by African-Americans. Sitting on the sideline is no-longer an option. In essence, this platform is YOURS to help succeed or FAIL. We will not capitulate to the latter.
Right here is where everyone will find some retrospect of their generational entrapment. Politics, race, religion, sports, music, relationships and more is the fodder for our expressive style of opinion, narrative, ideas, and solutions.
To be clear, our purposeful intent is not to relent to a sheepish or cowed demeanor, but boldly articulate what many are reluctant to publicly examine out of fear of communal backlash or some black disobedience syndrome. We do fully intend to challenge mainstream thought with brevity. Stay tuned, comment, tell a friend, and visit often.
The New Pathway on the Social Mediascape
A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family.
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As Facebook grows more Orwellian, independent platforms such as InnerKwest™ and the New Pathway Affirmation Group of platforms provide a haven of quality alternatives advocating uncensored freedom of expression. The social media giants have joined the ranks of Wall-Street cultural as being “Too Big To Fail”, until they do.
The New Pathway Affirmation Group platforms include significant social media platforms including: WittYou, Khaunda, Kwyknote, TwooToo, SailFace, RiteSeat, AMIBC, and Cruisegauge. All of the New Pathway platforms are 100% African American owned. Make sure to register and join to make your voice be heard to friends, family, and others.
Join us. Our team will publish timely thought provoking opinions and narratives inviting our readers to be part of the conversation. Be a subscriber, contributor, and grow with us.
Suggest a topic or issue to InnerKwest℠. We will post your suggestion on our projects board que. Should a writer tag your suggestion for review, you may see the respective narrative published at the appropriate time as determined by the editor. Leave your suggestion at the comments section below.
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TwooToo is the dating app by WittYou Technologies for people to find the better half of twoo.
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