Did you ever wonder if the Greenwood district of Tulsa was the only prosperous African-American community? We have taken the time to search and compile …
Eric Holder Lambaste William Barr as Unfit to Lead DOJ
Eric Holder rips into William Barr: ‘He is unfit to lead the Justice Department’. Former Attorney General Eric Holder delivered a blistering assessment of the …
Lindsey Graham compares FBI’s treatment of Trump
These good ole southern boys like Lindsey Graham know how to raise the temperature in the room with his bigoted tainted rhetoric. Comparing Trump’s FBI …
It Has Been Stated: Pete Buttigieg Is Not Truthful
I have never felt all that impressed with Pete Buttigieg and it appears a great deal of African-Americans feel the same. Michael Harriot from the …
Trump’s Critics Demonically Possessed?
November 26, 2020PM The headline reads: Are Trump’s Critics Demonically Possessed? Two of the president’s prominent evangelical supporters are literally demonizing his opponents. They go …
Colin Kaepernick Refused to Bend to Roger Goodell’s Will
First I must admit I am not a football fan. I played the game briefly as a child, tore a ligament and that was it. …
Open Season: The Legalized Genocide of Colored People
November 15, 2019 Some people suggest genocide is too strong a word for the maltreatment of black people in America. True genocide is something that …
Gross Apathy-No One Cares
I came across this particular sermon by Jamal Bryant which re-affirms what I have known for years and that is by-and-large people will use you …
Byron Allen’s Testimony
To hear the story of Byron Allen is riveting. More and more I hear success stories that re-enforce the notation adversity inspires need for success …
Kirk Franklin To Boycott Gospel Awards
I have been expecting this revelation for some time. For the second time in two weeks a boycott of a network has been enacted. This …
Rep. Elijah Cummings Home Going
Barack Obama’s full remembrance at Rep. Elijah Cummings’ funeral
2 Legit 2 Quit
This is the first of many music videos that will be added to the discography here at InnerKwest by James Frasure. With all of the …
GOP Intrusion Ballot Initiatives
The Republicans came short of a physical confrontation when they stormed the House Intelligence Committee secure chambers. It has been revealed President Trump told them …
Impeachment Task Force
This ad advocates the impeachment of Donald Trump. Is it over the top? You tell me, but it is as over the top as the …
Word Network Refuses to Apologize
I really had no intentions of jumping into the fray of black pastors this early in the development and tweaking of this blog, but I …
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan-Archives
Host Tavis Smiley leads a discussion between African American scholars, opinion makers, analysts and elected officials, in the landmark gathering in Chicago for the special …