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Say what you will, but for a person that dedicated his life to pursue justice for all, Alvin Sykes is a living legend. Alvin’s tireless energy has impacted all Americans. As with any effective activist, Alvin’s call to duty required dedication and faith, coupled with nerves of steel.
Alvin commands an unwavering penchant to research and uncover bureaucratic layers. Only Alvin can recount the countless times people and systems attempted to dissuade, block, and discourage him. Further intimidation tactics would try to diffuse this activist’s passion to seek the truth to no avail. Alvin might pause to regroup, but history shows this soldier has never quit.
Whenever Kansas City wanted to show the world they had moved pass the days when Cab Calaway visited KC and was beaten by police for being black, Alvin Sykes would be cited as an example of so called progress.
What continues to baffle me is if Alvin has repeatedly demonstrated his effectiveness locally and nationally, why has he not been compensated to reflect his worth and his tireless efforts in the pursuit of justice? Alvin’s humanity challenged him to seek out truth and justice for all. Now all Kansas City can do is stick out its chest as being the place Alvin Sykes calls home?
Maybe some would rather I be a bystander and not expose the hypocrisy the Kansas City living legend is now experiencing. Alvin Syke’s present situation should be a Kansas City civic embarrassment. Alvin Sykes lay trapped at Life Care Center of Kansas City, the same corporation with the Life Care Center in Kirkland Washington with COVID-19 raging throughout the facility. The Kansas City facility also suffered a COVID-19 death in KCKs.
This is not the last post on Alvin Sykes. InnerKwest will follow Alvin and hopefully he will be a guest writer soon.
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