By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest

January 2021

A previously unthinkable event took place on Capital Hill in Washington DC, which was also the day for the electoral vote confirmation by congress. January 6, 2021 will always be remembered as the Insurrection Day at Capital Hill.

Trump sanctioned the melee while some Republicans and other authoritative figures secretly allowed the possible toppling of the democratic republic.

Insurrection 2021

A mob numbering several thousand seditionist/anarchists forcefully and violently entered the halls of congress putting legislators lives and well-being in jeopardy. Five people died as a result of the violent and unlawful event.

As the country and the world grapple with what just had transpired, politicians continued to spread false narratives. Trump, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruise, and a formidable group of seditionist continue to fan the flames of misinformation and distrust.

We will update our platforms as confirmable information becomes available.

Report tips and information related to the insurrection at: 202-727-9099 or text 50411 per DC Mayor Muriel Bowser

BlackOut America Movement

Black people have again been forced into a corner with the purging of life from George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless other victims of rampant police brutality and other horrendous acts by police with no accountable consequences. Innerkwest™ has designated the B.O.M.B (Blackout Movement Blast) as a call to action, calling for spending restraints by African-Americans to only spend dollars at genuine black owned businesses.💰

We have seen movements in the past producing marginal results at best.
The irrefutable urgency of oppressive actions warrant immediate responses via social media and target specific platforms such as InnerKwest™ to continue re-enforcing call-to-action (CTA) initiatives and messaging. 

Black Lives Matter no Matter What

The inhabitants of the White House have made clear their positions as it relates to African-Americans with their insults, innuendos, actions, appointments, policies, and military deployments into our urban cores.


The candidate opposing the present POTUS is Joe Biden. While Biden is not the preferred nominee, comparatively Joe Biden is better suited for the job than the present occupant of the executive branch.

Black Out America Movementis a movement , not a moment”. The duration of the economic blackout is in perpetuity. We are advocating a mindset paradigm shift that pushes forward the promotion of Black owned business. Visit this site and the movement pages to stay abreast movements in the U.S. and abroad. This site is updated daily with a broad spectrum of information, music videos, and more. Share this site and movement pages with friends and family.
Major announcements influenced by BlackOutAmericaMovement are constantly posted. Check back here often for updates.
James C. Frasure III – CEO – AMIBC American Internet Broadcasting Corp.

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Covering Quality of Life Issues Affecting
African-Americans and the Culture


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