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This is really going to date me and shoot light years past many. Those that do remember Pigmeat Markham probably are enjoying their great-grand children.
Pigmeat Markham recorded the party album ” Here come the Judge” where he states behind the bench, ” Everybody do’n Time this Morning M F’r”. Donald Trump is the opposite of Pigmeat granting clemency to high profile felons such as: Bernie Kerik, Rod Blagojevich, Eddie DeBartolo Jr, Michael Milken and counting. In other words unlike Pigmeat, Donald’s action says, “ain’t nobody doing any more time cause, “I am The Judge”.
Trump Is ‘Running a Crime Syndicate Out of the West Wing’ With Barr as His ‘Consigliere,’ Former Prosecutor Says
Newsweek takes it a step further with the recent article, ‘Trump Is ‘Running a Crime Syndicate Out of the West Wing’ With Barr as His ‘Consigliere,’ Former Prosecutor Says‘
In the context of the recent granted pardons, it has been duly noted the recipients are convicted of egregious white collar crimes. Don’t be surprised if Bernie Madoff is next.
Even if Madoff is not pardoned I am going to attempt to submit a couple names of black men convicted of non-violent white collar crimes that pertained to SEC infractions. Both men know each other, got away with double digit millions of dollars and were students of everything DONALD TRUMP. They bought every book Donald ever published and considered him their adjunct professor. Should I go through with those submissions, at that point in time will I reveal their names on InnerKwest.
Surely Don’s pardons will cross over racial lines, if not Pigmeat Markham’s justice really make the present commander and chief mob boss, appear extremely biased. Your think?
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