Ranting President Continues Poor Decision-Making Daily. Volatile Results Possible

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An Eat The Meat, Spit Out the Bones Series.James Frasure's InnerKwest®

April 15, 2020 AM

Trump’s power hungry ego continues churning out poor decisions, daily.

Trump’s authority to unilaterally reopen states’ economies was flatly rejected among experts this week after he declared on Monday that he had “total” authority to govern when states would ease coronavirus restrictions.

Attempts to backpedal his ‘Total Authority’ claim further illustrates his low watt illumination of the constitution and the amendments therein.

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Governors don’t need Trump to authorize their moves to deal with the coronavirus, whether it’s keeping schools and businesses largely closed — or saying it’s safe to re-open them.

The constant ranting in front of the mic exposes his subjective, thoughtless responses to issues requiring forethought and wisdom.

“Any plan to reopen society must be driven by data and experts, not opinion and politics,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said shortly before announcing the decision.

Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming refuted Trump’s claims in a tweet, noting, “The federal government does not have absolute power” and then quoted the 10th Amendment.

Many have speculated the current president would prefer to be a dictator of an authoritarian government.

To be clear, Trump doesn’t have the authority to mandate the whole country’s economy be opened up for business again. Governors across the country have largely been the ones deciding what to do about coronavirus shutdowns in their respective states, and some have formed regional pacts to decipher the path forward together. But the president, of course, insists he’s calling the shots. He lies, knows no better, or maintains disdain for the rule of law and U.S. Constitution.James Frasure's InnerKwest®

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