By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest
December 2020
The 2020 election has left many dissatisfied with the results, which is not all that unusual. There are always winners and losers in most competitions, especially political contests, but this election cycle had several factors not experienced since the late 1800’s and early to mid 1900s.
Most modern day elections from the Roosevelt to the Obama presidency had unique challenges, but the Trump era will go down in history as an era of contempt for Democratic rule. Trump openly engaged in authoritarian styled maneuvers, with millions willing to follow an immoral and financially bankrupt con man. Trump’s mishandling of the COVID19 virus have cost lives. His obsession with dismantling Obama era legislation was irresponsible and injurious to an insurmountable amount of U.S. citizens.
Trump whetted the appetite of white militia anarchists and appealed to them as an intimidation factor, pillaging on his behalf.
Road to Trumpism
Donald Trump and his publicly known desire to be a text-book dictator unleased a simplistic hate message that millions of simple minded haters embraced. Trump’s message of hate used fear to bind and warn souls to take cover and look to his egotistic oratories for guidance.
With a considerable amount of voting Americans ingesting false narratives and straight out lies, Donald developed a following that he acknowledges he never thought possible.
The United States of America is a superpower with capabilities to project its power around the world. With that power to project, America continues to endure internal strife from its pass with how the development to super status was founded, which was the slave economy from which it heavily relied on for every facet of foundational footing.
The stark cruelty of human bondage coupled with imposing psychological and physical entrapments continues to give whites an advantage over the descendants of slaves. Whites possess a false sense of worthiness utterly rejected by the descendants and the world populations.
Trump along with many non-African Americans, Republicans and Democrats, have opened to door of racism for all to see, hear, and feel. Systemic issues legislated during slavery and beyond plague essential quality of life for many African Americans and many whites feel no reason to correct centuries of inhumane treatment and parity issues across the American spectrum.
Trump Election Denial
Trump has used his occult followers to threaten the political careers of the Republicans. They have been held hostage by Trump and bow to his wishes no matter if it tramples long established Democracy governance protocols and numerous ethical boundaries.
106 GOP House Members Back Texas Lawsuit
More than 100 U.S. House Republicans are backing President Donald Trump’s last-ditch effort to get the U.S. Supreme Court to override election results in four key swing states that went for Democrat Joe Biden. The SCOTUS has since rejected the amicus brief filed to the court.
Karma in the Form of Sedition
Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.
The reasoning here is very simple. All members of Congress swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, which establishes a republican form of government. The whole point of a republic is that contests for power are conducted through a framework of rules and democratic elections, where all parties agree to respect the result whether they lose or win. Moreover, the premise of this lawsuit was completely preposterous — arguing in effect that states should not be allowed to set their own election rules if that means more Democrats can vote — and provides no evidence whatsoever for false allegations of tens of thousands of instances of voter fraud. Indeed, several of the representatives who support the lawsuit were themselves just elected by the very votes they now say are fraudulent. The proposed remedy — having Republican-dominated legislatures in only the four states that gave Biden his margin of victory select Trump electors — would be straight-up election theft. READ ARTICLE
As this era of Trump winds down with the electoral final votes and evolves into a secondary state of being for the Trump family, remnants of his divisive heritage will still have to be dealt with. Going into the Biden presidency conspicuous activities are expected from the GOP and alt-right idealist. Check back for updates.
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