Political Surrogate Jobs In Demand Closing The Bernie Black-Vote

As the race to win the Democratic nomination grows closer to a decisive moment, political surrogate jobs are in high demand. The front runners are two aged white men. There are numerous megaphones attempting to distract and sway the black vote with 360 degrees of endless rhetoric.

Sander and Biden appear to have captured the majority of the African-American voter attention at this juncture. Political notables are starting to voice their opinions.

Tavis Smiley was once a voice black voters respected until his loin logic caught up with him. As with too many of the purported black leaders, he allowed his misguided sexual conduct overflow into the workplace. It’s been proven time and time again for the last 1000 years, management cannot produce quality work flow from the crouch.


Cornel West is on the campaign trail stomping for Bernie. These old white guys seem lost with the present day African-American voter and they should be. African-American voters are more educated, voter savvy, and know how to sift through much of the smoke screens.

As Democratic presidential candidates spoke at a breakfast for black ministers recently, Nina Turner — a campaign co-chair for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) who has been helping him connect with black voters — was interviewed by a television crew at the back of the room.

Covering Quality of Life Issues Affecting
African-Americans and the Culture

Killer Mike explains why hip hop likes Bernie Sanders in new 2020 campaign video.

Television, and social media have started ratcheting up the frequency and the mudslinging. Add the Trump quotient to the fray and find a clothespin to put on your nose. Just don’t wear any blinders, because the bullshit will be flying from all directions.

Until I see someone addressing a black agenda, I will not be publicly endorsing anyone that does not have a black running mate and a commitment to the acting in the best interest of the African-American community. I will vote for the nominee, but I will not endorse.James Frasure's InnerKwest®


The political pundits in the mainstream media have started sidetracking issues with strategically placed wording such as socialism and reparations. Slavery was and still to this day is the product of capitalism. The upper 1% capitalist benefit enormously from democratic-socialism.

The African-American voter should be careful and thoughtful this voting season. The Democrats and Republicans are employing three dimensional political psychology in the quest to distract and manipulate the black voter.


Until African-Americans build greater cohesion economically, the vote will be a central point from which to be targeted, gauged and calculated. When the day arrives African-Americans benefit from a generational wealth strategy, the vote urgency will take on a secondary priority. Voting will continue to be important, but having capital is the ultimate leverage America respects. In the interim, your and my vote is necessary and important. VOTE!James Frasure's InnerKwest®


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