A Picture Can Speak a Thousand Words

Trump and Health Advisors

By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest

March 2020

A picture really is worth a thousand words and more. This latest contagion emergency has this present administration’s image appearing disappointed, disorientated, disengaged, delusional, and overwhelmed.

Briefly let’s re-examine President D.J. Trump. I don’t know that he is lying in this episode as much as he is attempting to ad lib, because his cabinet and the senate have been preoccupied with their alienating, dismantling, and self-serving agendas.

This group of politicians have been playing volley ball with voter suppression and issues surrounding so called “socialist issues”. This real-time life threatening pandemic caught them totally off guard.

The people that voted in this latest batch of capitalist have a great deal to lose. The effects of COVID 19 is threatening to stall the economy in proportions not seen since the Great 2008 recession and beyond.

If COVID 19 is not contained, it will crossover all genres and social classes globally in a pandemic theater of events. Some think prayer will stymie the advance of the virus. On the other side there are clergy that contend “Prayer Will Not Stop the Coronavirus”.

The pandemic lays bare how American politicians have ignored the past and its injustices. It’s time for repentance, not just prayer.

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Whatever ways and methods we use to cope with this surreal set of circumstances, just remember come vote time too many of the current administration played down the seriousness until it was already in full tilt. To be fair, they were following the lead of their Tweeting leader.

This deer in the headlight reaction by the our elected officials further illustrates how they have utilized their time in office. The poorest states such as which state Mitch McConnell represents, stands to be plummeted to depression era. Mitch is busy bragging about blocking legislation while is constituents already suffer from shuttered industries such as the coal and its dependent companies.

There are also national security scenarios that must be taken seriously. While the local governments are finding their footing, there are entities domestic and foreign calculating and plotting avenues to employ self-serving agendas.


With all the images the media has creatively poured out on the public, listen with your third ear and see with your third eye. The way we as a nation will get past this emergency is not through panic, but through thoughtful, purposeful engagement. InnerKwest®


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