Trump should have lost in a landslide. The fact that he didn’t speaks volumes.
The appetite for corrupt politicians and toxic lyrics in music is in high order across America.
Black male voter increase for Trump is an anomaly many are trying to decipher.
In the lead up to the elections many people believed Trump would see landslide opposition, because of many administrative, ethical, and moral misgivings the president constantly exuded.
Latinos voted for Trump is bigger numbers than anticipated. This strange phenomena derives from the fact Trump’s interment of South American immigrants. How does a people vote for a guy that has immigrant babies behind bars motherless.
Racism is still interwoven into the American fabric in which white religious denominations embrace racist views and practices.
Major police unions voted for Trump.
African Americans had better heed the warning from the Trump administration that oppressive forces and mindsets are here for the longterm.
Blacks must unify in all aspects. We must create and support Black owned business. We must understand the power of ownership and related elements.
The re-direction of cashflow for the Black community is imperative and mandated as fundamental.
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