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January 24, 2020 PM
GOP Senators Face Threat: ‘Vote Against the President and Your Head Will Be on a Pike’
That sentiment was echoed by the White House’s director of legislative affairs, who told reporters, “I can’t wait for the revenge”
How absolutely PATHETIC that grown-ass men and women who serve in the United States Senate are so pee-dripping scared of a juvenile tweet from a congenitally lying sociopath who can bankrupt casinos and has to pay women six figures to touch him!
Do voters that elected these wimps really want to allow the truth to become irrelevant? Furthermore, Trump Brags About Withholding Evidence and no one finds that to be jury tampering and witness intimidation? This is crime family responses to state the least.
If American voters do not respond to this main-street heist, these whore-mongers, constitutional rapist, immoral, false church demigods will only be brazen for loftier ventures. At which time the the voter will have to make some personal decisions that answer to “What you gonna do when they come for you’?
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