The Series: Trump Train Enroute Dismantling Democracy

By James C. Frasure III – InnerKwest

The Trump Train Enroute Dismantling Democracy is a series of creative narratives which will take a look at the engineers, conductors, and passengers on the Trump train.

If you touched and agreed with the Trump administration, chances are you or your profile type will be listed and mentioned in great detail of your affiliation aiding and abetting in the almost successful attempt in dismantling an American Democracy in modern times.

The Trump train is long with many cars, revealing those attempting to stop America in its tracks and change the direction of America to an extremist rail thought to have been extinguished after the civil war.

The train cars in tow by the locomotive contain politicians, religious leaders, judges, citizens, and foreign adversaries all consciously participating in reckless dispatch a destructive assertion, fueled by greed and the promise of unbridled power.


Please Note: Prior to the Biden Inauguration, any twists and turns on the Trump Train will be updated on this post, so visit this page frequently.

Although the Trump Train seems to have derailed, we will allow Trump’s complete term to be in our mirrors before releasing the first in a series of narratives.
The first series narrative will be published January 20th 2PM EST.

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